Business English Idioms
Legal English UK works with many lawyers and entrepreneurs who encounter many issues with using English in the workplace. This includes issues with listening, fluency, pronunciation and cultural issues to name but four. Another significant issue is the use of phrasal verbs and idioms by native speakers and advanced speakers of English.
As so many students have approached our tutors about this, I decided to design a video course called The Idioms of Business English that would give time-poor students an easier and perhaps more comfortable way into learning some of the most common idioms in Business English.
The Idioms
If you have ever worried what your British boss means when she tells you that it’s time to call it a day or that the books are in the red then The Business English Idioms Course should be the next stage on your journey to mastery of Business English.
The idioms course consists of over 45 short videos introducing specialist idioms used in the workplace. An expert tutor guides you in how to pronounce the idioms correctly and how to use them appropriately in clear sentences. You will also learn some useful synonyms that may be used at your office or across the negotiating table in order to further enhance your range of vocabulary.
As the course is produced by Legal English UK, the world’s number one school of English for lawyers and law students, the tutor has law and business on his mind as he delivers these direct lectures. The unique manner of teaching as well as the clear pronunciation should enable students to begin using these idioms quickly and appropriately.
The best teachers
The most important issue to consider when choosing a course of this kind is to use great teachers who know their subject confidently. With The Business English Idioms Course you can be comforted by the knowledge that your tutor has 15 years of experience teaching Legal English and Business English to top lawyers, judges and law students from across the globe. Having taught at Google, Cisco, Baker McKenzie, Ashurst and many more leading law firms and businesses we understand what lawyers and business people need from courses. Having taught thousands of hours of lessons, this idioms course puts all that latent knowledge into over two hours of video that will allow you to start understanding and using idioms from day one.
Another bonus to this course is that you will have the benefit of one of Legal English UK’s expert teachers for the fraction of the cost of a face-to-face lesson. Our students are sometimes too time-poor to visit The Legal English School in London or even take classes online so having access to an excellent course such as this one with video lessons that are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week is an incredible gift for any serious student of Legal English and Business English.
Legal English UK provides courses in Business English, Legal English and Drafting Contracts online and in London. For further information visit our website.